Awesome Small Business Idea – Start a Business for Less than $100
Here is a Business You Can Start for Less than $100. Everyone wants to tell you to start a business… But, what small business can you start that is successful and has a low startup cost? Want to Finally Start Your Own Appliance Repair Business… without Feeling Lost or Intimidated About How to Do it?
Up-to-Date Appliance Repair Training
Learning Residential Appliance Repair may be the Easiest Money You may Ever See!
Don’t worry, we will be there when you need us.
What Some of Our Students are Saying…
Top Notch Level Course, Especially for the Price of What the Course Cost!
Everywhere else I have looked they are asking $3000 to $7000 for a course like this one and You have to leave home for 3 weeks or more to get the hands on training that Chris at Cornerstone Appliance shows you how to receive that training without leaving your home. My wife wants to move to a smaller city and I contacted Chris to ask him what he thought about it. He gave me…
Joshua J., Business Owner Valdosta, GA
Tired of Driving Trucks and Wanted to Be Home with My Family. After seeing the videos on Youtube and I have been looking for a Small Business that I can stay home with my family and get off the road. I knew this was it. I had a problem trying to watch the videos on my phone while I was on the road and Chris was extremely helpful in solving my problems. I talked to him a couple of times and…
John B., Truck Driver Harrisburg, PA
Heating and Air Condition was my Primary Profession and Income. As You know HVAC is Seasonal.
As I stated above, heating and air condition repair is my primary profession. However, in my area it is only hot for about 6 months and the air condition business comes to a stop.
I had always considered learning another trade to supplement my income and appliance repair was one I had thought about many times.
After talking with Chris I decided to give it a shot. I am truly glad I did. After learning the Appliance Repair Business, I have had a few 4 figure days ($xxxx) and I love the flexibility that will work with my Air Condition Repair Business when it kicks back in with…
Alberto G, HVAC Business Owner Bartlett, TN