Cornerstone Appliance Repair Training Reviews
Discover Excellence with Cornerstone Appliance Repair Training Reviews
Here’s Just an Example: One of Our Students Made $2,700 His First Weekend After Taking Action with Our Cornerstone Appliance Training Course—You Could Be Next!
Additional Cornerstone Appliance Repair Training Reviews
Great Course for Career Changers! ★★★★★
“After working in retail for years, I wanted a career change. Cornerstone gave me the tools and confidence I needed to succeed in appliance repair. I’m so grateful for the clear instruction and ongoing support!”
– Shelton N., Long Island, NY
Best Investment for My Business!" ★★★★★
“I’ve owned a small appliance repair business for a few years, but Cornerstone’s training gave me the extra edge I needed to streamline diagnostics and improve customer satisfaction. Worth every penny!”
Alberto J., Chicago, IL
Exceeded My Expectations! ★★★★★
“This course was exactly what I needed to transition into the appliance repair field. The instructions were clear, and the troubleshooting techniques have already helped me reduce repair time significantly.”
– John P., Dallas, TX
From Zero Knowledge to Certified Technician!" ★★★★★
I had no experience in appliance repair before this course. Now, I’m confident enough to handle repairs on my own, and I’ve even started picking up freelance gigs. A life-changing experience!”
Robert A., Atlanta, GA
When I saw this on Youtube, I order it ASAP! I always Wanted to Start My Own Business… This was it!
After watching several of the videos, I knew that Chris knew what he was talking about and I wanted to learn from him.
I was Extremely pleased to see the cost of the course (one time fee) and that he offered so many bonuses to go with it.
The 2 Appliance forms and the Step-by-Step videos makes this Course WAY under priced. I have contacted Chris on several times and he is always very helpful in giving me the right answer or telling how to find the answer to my appliance repair questions.
The Best was yet to come. This Amazing Professional Appliance Website that comes with the Course (FREE)! If I was to have this kind of Appliance Repair Business site built by a Company, I know I would be out of $1000s of Dollars. It is already optimized for the Appliance Repair Business, keywords, images, the layout, etc… It truly is Awesome!
I don’t know how he is selling this cheap and with a very professional website too. All I can say if you are serious about working for yourself and earning an AWESOME Income… this is it!
Thanks Chris keep up the good work!
John P.
Top Notch Level Course, Especially for the Price of What the Course Cost!
Everywhere else I have looked they are asking $3000 to $7000 for a course like this one and You have to leave home for 3 weeks or more to get the hands on training that Chris at Cornerstone Appliance shows you how to receive that training without leaving your home.
My wife wants to move to a smaller city and I contacted Chris to ask him what he thought about it. He gave me some very good advice on how I can Start My Appliance Business and relocate without hurting my business.
Chris experience in this business has helped me a lot and their customer service is second to none. I look forward to learning a lot from this course and continual uploading of videos and the tips & tricks section helps tremendously.
I look forward to learning a lot from the this course and the step-by-step videos and live support when I need it.
Anyone sitting the fence about ordering this course should get it while it is so cheap… You won’t be sorry!
Javier R.
Tired of Driving Trucks and Want to Be Home with My Family.
After seeing the videos on Youtube and I have been looking for a Small Business that I can stay home with my family and get off the road. I knew this was it.
I had a problem trying to watch the videos on my phone while I was on the road and Chris was extremely helpful in solving my problems. I talked to him a couple of times and then I lost my information to access my membership level… he sent it right over.
Customer service is outstanding. I can’t wait to start making the money I know this business will provide and in the course he shows us how to make an additional streams of income.
Thanks Again Chris
Trevor B.
Graduated High School and Needed a Job. After Several Job Searches and Nobody Hiring
After I graduated high school and I was not ready to go to college. Another guy mention to me about getting a skill or trade under my belt and maybe consider college later.
I have always been a guy that like doing something different and not being tied down to the same boring low pay jobs that are available today. Also, I get paid everyday and I am my own boss was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up.
Since I have been doing the appliance repair business for about 5 years now and the money, flexible hours and a trade that works anywhere. One of the best things that I ever did.
And since I want to relocate as soon as I can and because Appliances are everywhere, I get to choose where I live and how much I make.
I am really glad I took this training. Thanks for the training and all of your help.
Richard T.
After 3 Years in the Military, moving back home. No Jobs available except Minimum Wage
After spending 3 years in Army and moving back home only to find out the job market was horrible. I search everywhere to include out of state and NOBODY was hiring!
A close relative told me about learning the appliance repair business. I had never repaired an appliance in my life. But after the training and the support, I began to learn pretty quickly and started making a great income in no time.
The course suggest you start with the easiest ones first and once you get the hang of it, go with the rest. That’s what I did and now I don’t have to Job search again, unless I want to.
I am truly glad I learned this skill/trade, it has really been a blessing.
I really appreciate all you have done for me, Chris.
Leonard W.
Heating and Air Condition was my Primary Profession. As You Know HVAC is Seasonal .
As I stated above, heating and air condition repair is my primary profession. However, in my area it is only hot for about 6 months and the air condition business comes to a stop.
I had always considered learning another trade to supplement my income and appliance repair was one I had thought about many times.
After talking with Chris I decided to give it a shot. I am truly glad I did. After learning the Appliance Repair Business, I have had 4 figure days ($xxxx) and I love the flexibility that will work with my Air Condition Repair Business when it kicks back in.
All I can say is I wish I would have done this a lot soon.
Thanks for showing me how to repair appliances.
Corneilus V.
I just wanted to Sell Used Appliances and Did not want to make Service Calls at this time.
I talked with Chris and explained to him that I have been selling used appliances on my own. I was having some success, would make a sale here and there. We talked for about 20 minutes or so and I was very impressed with the amount of time he spent explaining more in detail what he suggest that I should do to increase my business.
After a couple of weeks I purchased the Selling Used Appliances Course and must say, I am impressed with the details of the course. Also, I reached out to Chris about a question I had (which was on the weekend) and he responded very quickly.
If you are on the fence about the his course I would suggest you take it ASAP!
Robert W.
I have a Handy Man business, but as was only hitting and missing here in New York.
I found Cornerstone Appliance Training Course by searching the internet. I decided to click on the link and see what he had to offer. I had been searching for appliance repair training and some of the other courses were extremely expensive. We are talking $3000 to $4000 a pop and you have to leave home for 3 weeks. I have a family and could not afford that kind of money or spend that long away from home.
I got the phone number from the website and gave Chris a call. He answered, and I ask a few questions about the course and the prices. He told me about the 3 different packages that they offer and I told him what I was trying to do. After talking to him for about 15 minutes, I told him the BusinessPro package would be best for me. It is the complete appliance repair videos and a free website.
I ordered the course about 2 weeks later and I started about a week later taking calls. I called Chris about my first call a Samsung Dryer that would not start and he told me what to look for and I repaired it! I have been on a few calls since then and love the money I am making.
Also, he had my website up in about a week. I am truly glad I found Cornerstone Appliance Training Course.
Kevin S.
I am a 62 year old HVAC Tech. I felt like a needed to find something a little easier and make the same money or more.
I talked with Chris about learning how to repair appliances and how does his course work. He explained the 3 membership levels and that if I start with the easiest appliances first, I will have NO problem repairing appliances.
After thinking about it and checking out his videos, I purchased the BusinessPro course. His course is very easy to follow and I had him make my website (which is really professional). Also, I have called Chris a few times for support, his support is outstanding! If he does not answer, he will call you back very soon.
Appliance Repair is so much easier than HVAC & you can do more jobs and make more. A BIG Thank you to Chris for creating this course.
Looking for a New Career change with beginning of a New Year (2018). I have not a raise in 12 years at my current job. I really wanted to do something different & start my own business.
I started searching on the internet and came across the Cornerstone Appliance Training link. I began to visit his website quite often and the more I read, the more I liked the idea of starting my Own Appliance Business.
After talking with my wife, calling Chris a few times and email him several times. I purchased the Professional Business Bundle just recently. I am going to start the new year off right (2018). AI am watching videos and filled out the form for my Appliance Training Manual to be shipped to me.
I really feel this is definitely the right choice to get rid of this dead end job, make an awesome income and start my own Small Business.
Thank you so much Chris for your support and patience from my numerous calls and emails.
Thanks Again
Wallace G.
Needed to Start a New Career and After having a Service Call from a Local Company that charged me almost $100 and was only here a few minutes.
After the service guy left my wife and I looked at each other and said we are in the wrong business. He just did a quick diagnosis of our dishwasher and made a $100 in less than 20 to 30 minutes.
I told my wife that I believe that I could learn this business. I started surfing on the internet for Online Appliance Training Courses and I found a few that were pretty expensive. So I kept searching and found Cornerstone Appliance Training and watched some of Chris’ videos on Youtube and ordered the best course he had “Professional Business Bundle”.
I am definitely glad I did. The course is well laid out and as you already know you cannot beat the bonuses; Free Appliance Manual (1200+ pages), Free Business Website , Appliance Tech Pro and other bonuses inside the members area. I highly recommend this course to anyone who is serious about learning how to troubleshoot and repair appliances & definitely Starting Your Own Business like I did.
P.S. Tech Support is outstanding. Chris has helped me via live tech support repair 3 appliances since I purchased this course. One was a Bosch dishwasher that I replaced the circuit board and it still wouldn’t start. Chris told me to go back and look and the start button and sure enough, I didn’t align it correctly. You Sir are a Genius.
I am in HVAC School until September 2018. I was on the internet and searching for more information about HVAC and ran across the Cornerstone Appliance Training Course. I have considered learning about appliances a couple of times.
But, I always put it off and would go onto something else. After surfing the net and looking the Cornerstone Appliance Training info, I began to look at some of his membership options and prices. Then I looked at a couple of videos.
At that point it was a NO brainer and I ordered the course. I only purchased the course a couple of weeks ago and I am very impressed with how the course is very professionally structured and the lay out. Also, I spoke with Chris a couple of days ago about one of the bonuses in the course and he was very helpful.
He reassured me that the Appliance Business is going to help me make a lot more money while I am learning HVAC. Also, how customers will always ask when you finish repairing their HVAC, do you repair appliances. Which will be added income.
After learning the Appliance Business & finishing with the HVAC course. My wife and I want to move back to our hometown, with the Appliance Repair Business that will be NO problem now.
I want to give a BIG Thank you to Chris for creating this very affordable and awesome course.